Weekend Race Roundup - June 10, 2013

By Erin Greene | 10 Jun, 2013

With the World Triathlon Season at its midway mark, continental cup races roared into action in Europe and Mexico. Events were fast and furious in Cremona, while Mexicans cleaned up at the Pan American Cup on home soil.

2013 Cremona ITU Sprint Triathlon European Cup
Oscar Vicente secured the first European Cup of his career with victory at the ITU European Sprint race in Cremona. It was a rocket fuelled race which handed Vicente victory, his 15:32 5km split time was the fastest of the day and allowed him to work his way out of the lead group of five athletes after T2, to cross the line in first place. Germany’s Jonathan Zipf secured his first podium finish since 2008 with a fantastic second place. He just held off the challenge of young Belgian athlete, Jelle Geens, who finished third. Elite Men Results

Australia’s Tamsyn Moana-Veale returned to European triathlon racing in style with victory in the ITU European Sprint Cup in Cremona. The Australian went one better than last year’s second place on the same course, winning an intense race in a time of 1:02:52. She just edged out Germany’s Rebecca Robisch, who also bettered last year’s third place finish with the runners up spot. Fellow German Lisa Sieburger earned her first European podium place with an impressive third place finish. Elite Women Results

2013 Ixtapa ITU Triathlon Pan American Cup
Mexican Olympian Claudia Rivas proved no competition for the women’s field at the Ixtapa Pan American Cup, as she stormed to the win by nearly four minutes. Rivas broke away to ride solo on the bike for a lead far too great to surpass, winning easily in 2:08:40. Vanesa De La Torre (MEX) clocked in next at 2:12:39 with the fastest run split of the day, while Andrea B Gutierrez (MEX) was third in 2:13:48. Women’s results

The men’s race saw a much closer battle for the podium with the top four all finishing under 1:57:00. Rodrigo Gonzalez broke away from a big lead pack and ran his way into the top position for a final time of 1:55:19. Carlos Arcadia (MEX) attempted to keep pace, finishing closing to Gonzalez in 1:55:34. Abraham Castellanos (MEX) exited the water in third position and maintained his through the race for bronze in 1:56:21. Men’s Results

All European files by David Peddie

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