Venezuela hosts ITU/Olympic Solidarity Level 1 Coaches Course

By Erin Greene | 09 Feb, 2016

The Olympic year is set and along with it, development projects. This time, the cozy city of Lechería in the coast of Venezuela, welcomed another ITU/Olympic Solidarity (OS) Level 1 Coaches Course which focus on coach education in developing nations.

The course was a huge success among participants, as well as the Venezuelan National Federation (FEVETRI) and the Venezuelan Olympic Committee (COV) who provided the best conditions for the fulfillment of this project, allowing participants to enjoy an exceptional learning environment.

Claudia Beristain (MEX), who facilitated the course, said, “We were visited by the President of the Venezuelan Olympic Committee Professor Eduardo Alvarez Camacho and followed closely by Pablo Machillanda, President of the Venezuelan Triathlon Federation. The FEVETRI has a huge interest in growing triathlon and high performance in Venezuela. Their plans include coach certification, talent identification, races and events, as well as registering triathlon clubs and triathletes.”

During five days of hard work, 18 selected coaches from FEVETRI took part of theoretical and practical sessions centered around coach education, providing essential information on triathlon knowledge transfer and session delivery.

OS course

“Triathlon a sport that not only contains the disciplines of swimming, cycling and running, but also soul, life and heart,” participant Joel Yépez of Venezuela said. “I learned how important it is for the athlete to feel safe, to provide welfare, to understand what they want or need. I learned that athletes are not machines; they have feelings and discipline is required for their success.”

Participants had a remarkable level of understanding and all sessions were highlighted by an intense discussion of each topic presented by facilitators Claudia Beristain (MEX) and Rodrigo Milazzo (BRA).

Due to the efforts of FEVETRI and COV, along with ITU and OS, participants managed to achieve a higher level of triathlon knowledge and felt truly rewarded with the intense sessions and quality of this ITU Level 1 Coaches Course.

“I want to thank ITU, the Comité Olímpico Venezolano, FEVETRI – specifically, Pablo Machillanda, as well as course facilitators Claudia and Rodrigo, and Zita Csovelyak, for giving me the opportunity to participate in one of the best experiences of my life,” said Pedro Gomez Sequera (VEN). « It was a very busy week with a lot of learning, tons of friendship, affection, solidarity and fun.”