ITU coaches certification in La Paz, Bolivia

By Andrea Ortiz | 07 Mar, 2016

From March 1st, till March 6th, 2016, the ITU Level 1 coaches certification took place in La Paz, Bolivia. This course consisted of 5 days of clases and 1 month of work on-line. It was inaugurated by the ITU President - Marisol Casado, who took advantage of the visit and attended the Congress and election of the Executive Committee of the Bolivian Triathlon Federation, Chaired by Graciela Jurado.

The course was taught by Andreu Alfonso from Spain, Marcos González from Peru and Claudia Beristáin from Mexico and was held at the headquarters of the Olympic Committee of Bolivia, the Olympic Swimming Pool and the Central Urban Park.

It is worth mentioning that this course was taught by ITU and has an international certification with a high quality standard. The course is practical and only has room for 18 coaches due to sessions and evaluations of each trainer's practices.

The Development area of ITU, the Federation of Triathlon of Bolivia and Olympic Solidarity are the organizations in charge of offering these courses at the international level.

The City of La Paz in Bolivia is an extremely interesting place full of history and geographically located at an altitude of 1,500 to 4,000 meters above sea level. This altitude makes the events in the area harder. As a curious note, public transport in La Paz has a series of cable cars connected to cover the entire city. Here is a picture of them.